ADHD & Eating Disorder Dietitian Nutritionists in Manhattan & Queens NYC
Supervision for Dietitians and Nutritionists
Isabelle offers individual and small group supervision through an affirming, patient-centered, trauma-informed lens. Specialties include:
Eating Disorders
Disordered Eating & Chronic Dieting
Fat-Positive, Liberationist & Affirming Nutrition Care*
*I am small fat and cis-gendered. If you are looking for supervision from someone with an identity I do not hold, I can offer you names of other supervisors.
I have experience working in outpatient, IOP, and PHP levels of care. I am a firm believer in continuing to learn and grow throughout our careers. I continually receive supervision and training in all topics listed, as well as how to provide effective and supportive supervision.
Length: 45 minutes
Individual Cost: $170.00
Additional Attendees: $32/person