ADHD & Eating Disorder Dietitian Nutritionists in Manhattan & Queens NYC
Nutrition Groups
--- Past Groups ---
If you are interested in any past groups, please contact us and I will let you know when I plan to offer them next.
Cultivating Body Curiosity
Nourished Roots Nutrition is excited to partner with Integrative Wellness Solutions to offer this 8-week group! Isabelle and Blair have developed the 6 pillars of Body Exploration which will be the focal point of this group.
In this group, we will:
Foster curiosity and expansiveness in how we relate to our bodies through discussion and experiential practice.
Break away from false narratives and harmful behavioral patterns around body image.
Explore embodiment through our 6 pillars, including science, somatics, spirituality.
Have opportunities for learning and processing through a blend of supportive structure and open conversation.
This group is for folks who are interested in exploring their relationship to their body through a new lens. This group is for folks who are:
All genders, who are 18+
Stuck in false beliefs and narratives about body that are preventing further “progress”
Curious and willing to look outside the box
Stable in eating disorder recovery or have never had an eating disorder but are looking to explore their relationship to their body.
No prior body image work is necessary. This group is designed to both open the door to new ways to relate to your body and expand upon pre-existing work in this area.
If you’re not sure whether this group is the right fit for you, please schedule a clarity call to learn more!
Group Specifics:
Time: TBD
Date*: TBD
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Zoom
*Start Date Pending - 4 participants required to begin.
Pay-it-forward: $130
Tier 1: $100
Tier 2: $70
Tier 3: $40
Nourishing Neurodiversity Group
Open to folks of all genders, age 18+, who identify as neurodivergent (no diagnosis needed).
This semi-structured process group focuses on relating to food and your body in the context on neurodiversity.
We will celebrate neurodiversity while acknowledging and addressing the real challenges of caring for oneself in a world that often doesn’t always support neurodiversity.
Each week will start off with a check-in, and then we will explore a chosen prompt or theme for that week.
This group will provide a space to share lived experiences so that participants can understand and develop acceptance around their neurodiversity, and brainstorm tools and skills to increase a sense of stability as a neurodivergent person in a neurotypical world.
Some topics we will cover:
Challenges with food/meal planning
Overwhelm in kitchen, restaurants & grocery store
Food decision-making & decision paralysis
Food fixations & aversions
Overactive & underactive physical sensations that influence eating behaviors
Unreliable hunger/fullness cues
Group Specifics
Time: Thursdays 12:00-1:15pm EST
Date: March 9, 2023
Location: Zoom
March 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 20, 27
May 4, 11, 18, 25
[No group on April 13th]
Pay-it-forward: $130
Tier 1: $100
Tier 2: $70
Tier 3: $40